Wine 101 – SOUTHERN RHÔNE BASICS in 4 Minutes: History, Grapes, & Maps!

If you’re new to Southern Rhone wine, this video is for you! We’ll start out by exploring Avignon, which is the capital city of Côtes du Rhône wines, and learn a little about how winemaking got started in the region. Winemaking in the Rhône area became prominent when the Pope fled Rome and brought the Papal residence to Avignon, and wanted wine grapes grown in the area. The Rhône is a good area for vineyards because of millions of years of tectonic activity that made great landscapes and soils. Today, most of the wine made in the Rhône is made in the Southern Rhone Valley area, and most of that is red wine. The most popular red grapes are Grenache, Syrah, and Mourvèdre, but some white grapes like Viognier, Marsanne, Grenache Blanc, and Roussanne are popular too. The region is also heavily focused on biodynamics and sustainability.

If you’re interested in learning more about Southern Rhône wine, check out our FULL SOUTHERN RHÔNE EPISODE:

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00:00 Introduction
00:25 Avignon
01:05 Geography + History
02:33 Wine Grapes + Climate
03:29 Sustainability

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