Robin orders an $800 bottle of wine on Howard’s bill // Benji’s horrible etiquette – 01/20/2009

a classic. robin orders an $800 bottle of wine out to dinner with Howard paying, and Howard bitches like the cheap fuck he is , even though he knows he’s making a bit for the air, you can tell he actually was in a way offended by Robin’s selection. as if Robin has EVER nickle & dimed him at all the dinners and parties shes thrown throughout the years. he really is a little complaining baby bitch in reality. you can tell Robin is well aware of both of their statures financially and ordered a VERY nice and expensive bottle of wine because that’s what she would do, because shes not stingy and cheap with her money as far as we can tell. Howard on the other hand, you can tell how close to his chest he clutches his pennies when it doesn’t suite his ego not to.