What Makes Hungarian Tokaji Wine So Special?

Tokaji wine has a long tradition and is one of the most expensive wines in the world. In their works, historical greats such as Goethe, Schiller and Beethoven immortalized this special wine. Back in the day French King Louis XIV even called it, the “king of wines.”

But surprisingly, it doesn’t come from one of the world’s famous wine countries like Italy, France, or Spain, but from the Tokaji wine-growing region in northern Hungary. There, different methods are used to make the wine with different degrees of sweetness and quality levels from moldy white wine grapes. The Tokaji Aszú and Tokaji Eszencia varieties have been appreciated by wine connoisseurs for centuries as precious fine wines and classics of the wine world.

Report: Hendrik Welling
Camera: Josef Havasi
Edit: Khalil Fadel / Leander Grewe

#Tokaj #Wine #Hungary
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